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Glen Burton

When Discretion & Efficiency are important for VIP Talent, they turn to Glen Burton to handle the arrangements.

In recent days, I was asked to support a Fortune 50 Company with the logistics coordination for a high profile individual who would be making a guest appearance at their campus on the East Coast in the United States. It was a relatively simple task but regardless of the simplicity or complexity, the same protocols always apply to ensure excellence. When it comes to celebrity and high profile people especially, there are certain aspects that should be considered both before and during their arrival.

Having had the opportunity and fortune to have worked extensively with both high profile individuals and Fortune 100 Companies, I've been able to gain a sound understanding of expectations, likes, dislikes, as well as determining the level of coordination required. Maintaining confidentiality is obviously key especially when the appearance of a high profile individual isn't publicly known, but even so, as protection officers we have no place to be discussing our work, especially those we are providing support to. Unfortunately this doesn't always apply to everyone, but it should.

I've been providing high level protective support for almost 25-years, and I've seen it all when it comes to other's discussing who they are working with. Even having pictures taken with their charge and posting them on social media. This to me is unfathomable, and I've never been able to understand just why so called 'professionals' do this other than to boost their own ego. There is no benefit whatsoever in asking someone you are hired to protect if you can have a picture with them, yet while they are having said picture with them, they are switching off from their primary goal.

Over a long career in this field, and working with some extremely well known people, I can recall only one picture that I've intentionally been in with a high profile celebrity client. This was during a fast paced trip to Europe, where we attended numerous red carpet events and public appearances, where the volume of paparazzi attention and public interest was huge but something we'd become accustomed to. We stopped in Rome for a couple of days and had the opportunity to escape for a few hours to walk around the city, little fuss, little attention, just the principal and her small team taking in the sights and enjoying a little peace. When she asked for a group picture I was asked to be in it, why wouldn't I, I'd worked with her across the globe for 5-years, so of course she knew she could trust me.

When working with high profile people, as I was asked to do in recent days, the only thing I'm focused on is ensuring the visit goes as smooth as possible and doesn't have a negative impact on the client or their guest. I'd never worked with this particular individual, though I'd seen plenty of him in the media. For me, I'm not fazed by somebody's popularity, it's respected but noted, and it's very much about doing my job. This particular task was more about logistics than security, and to a certain degree the individual wouldn't have even known I was there, but in the background I'd worked to ensure that everything was in place for him. It's not about getting face time for me, it's just about ensuring a smooth appearance from start to finish.

This all began with a quick briefing from the client, asking for me to arrange and manage the ground transportation and ensure the driver had everything he needed. Going over protocols, expectations, discussing where the drop off point would be, and making sure he knew the timings for the day. It was all very simple but these are important matters to discuss, especially when the client wants to make a good impression for their special guest. It's also important to make sure that drivers are included in such a plan as they play a key role. They may be driving someone who just wants to get in the car, reply to emails, take a call, read the newspaper, or just think through what he or she has to do once they arrive at a location. For this reason, I always brief drivers to speak when spoken to, and keep it brief when you do have to speak.

To be asked to handle this short project was something that I'm thankful for, and whether the job is small or big, local or international, to get the call expresses trust in me to get the job done and handle business. I didn't need to be front and center, just in the background ensuring a smooth move from start to finish.

This article is the Copyright of Glen Burton. All Rights Reserved.


Glen Burton served in the British Army for 10-years before moving into the field of Diplomatic and Executive Protection. For the past 23-years, he has been at the forefront of the Global Security industry as an operator, trainer, consultant and leader, and is regarded as a Subject Matter Expert in Protective Strategies. Glen has led protective operations in over 200-countries for UHNW families, Fortune 100 Leadership Teams, as well as members of International Royal Families. He specializes in developing and managing protective programs and provides strategic guidance and support across the globe to help protect high value individuals, families, and business leaders.


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